Game Maps

--Base Maps--
Overworld (Koholint Isle)
Underworld 1 (Kennel Dungeon; L:1-6, some caves)
Underworld 2 (L:7-8, many caves)

Map 00 (L:1 - Tail Cave)
Map 01 (L:2 - Bottle Grotto)
Map 02 (L:3 - Key Cavern)
Map 03 (L:4 - Angler's Tunnel)
Map 04 (L:5 - Catfish's Maw)
Map 05 (L:6 - Face Shrine)
Map 06 (L:7 - Eagle's Tower)
Map 07 (L:8 - Turtle Rock)
Map 08 (L:9 - Wind Fish's Egg)
Map 09 (all screen 00, in-game warps to here)
Map 0A (caves)
Map FF (L:0 - Color Dungeon)
Map 7-alt (L:7 - Eagle's Tower: Pillars Collapsed)

A note on the Sub-Maps:
Sub-maps are stored in-game and correspond to the warp data linking the overworld to the underworlds. They derive from the 3 base maps above (except for the Color Dungeon, which has it's own base map) and are arranged in the game's coding using the addresses in those base maps. So, while exploring a sub-map, you can expect to find the rooms exactly as they appear here using the warp (screen-skip) glitch in non-DX copies.

Also of note is the connectivity. The maps are apparently loosely connected, granting you access from one to the next if you move around on them past where you're normally allowed to move. There exists a strange connectivity between maps, like L:3 (sub-map 02) following directly below L:1 (sub-map 00). Also, if you venture too far to the left or right, you'll move up or down a row (much like in the base maps; see the Kennel Glitch to get a good feeling about this screen-wrapping property). Generally, it's best to stay in the confines of the 8x8 screens on the sub-maps, though.

For those who are hacking the game: maps 0B-FE seem to all link to the base map with specific graphic sets (house, cave, etc), and map 09 is completely blank, though any warp data that sends a player to it seems to have the same result: acting as if the player has just entered the first cave in the Tal Tal Mountain Range. The x- and y-coordinates don't take effect as well as the screen data, despite what you program it to do.